High Point Bible Time

Gallopin’ Gabe’s

Carpenter Joe’s
Science & Crafts

Carpenter Joe’s
Music & Verses

Day 1
The Wonder of His Birth
Bible Passages
Matthew 1-2, Luke 2
Lesson Focus
The baby King’s birth was a wonder. What amazing happenings surrounded it?
Memory Verse
John 1:14

Day 2
The Wonder of His Childhood
Bible Passages
Luke 2:39-52
Lesson Focus
The young King’s childhood was a wonder. What was he like as a child and teen?
Memory Verse
Luke 2:52

Day 3
The Wonder of His Ministry Years
Bible Passages
Selections from the book of Mark
Lesson Focus
The adult King’s ministry years were a wonder. What astonishing things occurred?
Memory Verse
John 21:25

Day 4
The Wonder of His Death & Resurrection
Bible Passages
Matthew 27–28
Lesson Focus
The risen King’s death and resurrection were a wonder. How were they like no other?
Memory Verse
John 20:31

Day 5
The Wonder of His Return
Bible Passages
Select verses from Matthew 25:14-30
Lesson Focus
The return of the King of kings will be a wonder. What should we be doing in the meantime?
Memory Verse
Matthew 6:10